Magnin Florence

Chargée de recherche/Researcher
Equipe Morphodynamiques / Morphodynamics team
tél : 0479758742
mèl : Florence.Magnin
ORCID : 0000-0002-0734-7459
Bureau / Office : 3-120

Ancrage disciplinaire / Research field

Géomorphologie périglacaire / Periglacial Geomorphology

Thèmes de recherche / Research topics

Étude du permafrost des versants raides de haute montagne et de haute latitude, des processus thermiques et hydrogéologiques des parois à permafrost, des modifications paysagères dans le contexte de désenglacement et des aléas gravitaires associés.

Investigations on steep slope permafrost in high mountain and high latitude environments, on thermal and hydrogeological processes in rockwall permafrost, on landscape evolution in the deglaciating context and on associated gravitational hazards.

Pour en savoir plus sur ces recherches/To know more about these researches

Méthodes / Methods

Mesures de température in situ ; Géolélectrique ; Modélisation numérique ; Cartographie ; Systèmes d’information géographique

In situ temperature measurements, Geoelectric, Numerical modelling, mapping, Geographical Information Systems

Projets en cours / Current Projets

ANR WISPER (ANR-19-CE01-0018) : Water and ice related processes in steep slope permafrost. (2020-2023)

ANR PERMOLARD (ANR-19-CE01-0010) : Tracking the degradation of mountain permafrost with Molards. (2019-2023)

Principales publications scientifiques / Main scientific publications


Magnin, F., Ravanel, L., Bodin, X., Deline, P., Malet, E., Krysiecki, J.-M., Schoeneich, P. (2024). Main results of permafrost monitoring in the French Alps through the PermaFrance network over the period 2010–2022. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes 35, 3–23.

Cathala, M., Magnin, F., Ravanel, L., Dorren, L., Zuanon, N., Berger, F., Bourrier, F., Deline, P. (2024). Mapping release and propagation areas of permafrost-related rock slope failures in the French Alps : A new methodological approach at regional scale. Geomorphology 448, 109032.


Magnin, F., Ravanel, L., Ben-Asher, M., Bock, J., Cathala, M., Duvillard, P.-A., Jean, P., Josnin, J.-Y., Kaushik, S., Revil, A., Deline, P. (2023). From Rockfall Observation to Operational Solutions : Nearly 20 years of Cryo-gravitational Hazard Studies in Mont-Blanc Massif. Journal of Alpine Research | Revue de géographie alpine.

Ben-Asher, M., Magnin, F., Westermann, S., Bock, J., Malet, E., Berthet, J., Ravanel, L., and Deline, P. (2023). Estimating surface water availability in high mountain rock slopes using a numerical energy balance model, Earth Surf. Dynam., 11, 899–915,

Ravanel, L. ; Duvillard, P.-A. ; Astrade, L. ; Faug, T. ; Deline, P. ; Berthet, J. ; Cathala, M. ; Magnin, F. ; Baratier, A. ; Bodin, X. (2023). The Taconnaz Rockfall (Mont-Blanc Massif, European Alps) of November 2018 : A Complex and At-Risk Rockwall-Glacier-Torrent Morphodynamic Continuum. Appl. Sci. 13, 9716.

Czekirda, J., Etzelmüller, B., Westermann, S., Isaksen, K., Magnin, F. (2023). Post-Little Ice Age rock wall permafrost evolution in Norway. The Cryosphere 17, 2725–2754.

Penna, I.M., Magnin, F., Nicolet, P., Etzelmüller, B., Hermanns, R.L., Böhme, M., Kristensen, L., Nöel, F., Bredal, M., Dehls, J.F. (2023). Permafrost controls the displacement rates of large unstable rock-slopes in subarctic environments. Global and Planetary Change 220, 104017.

Ravanel, L., Guillet, G., Kaushik, S., Preunkert, S., Malet, E., Magnin, F., Trouvé, E., Montagnat, M., Yan, Y., Deline, P. (2023). Ice aprons on steep high-alpine slopes : insights from the Mont-Blanc massif, Western Alps. Journal of Glaciology 1–17.


Ben-Asher, M., Magnin, F., Westermann, S., Malet, E., Berthet, J., Bock, J., Ravanel, L., Deline, P. (2022. Estimating surface water availability in high mountain rock slopes using a numerical energy balance model. Earth Surface Dynamics Discussions 1–25.

Kaushik, S., Cerino, B., Trouve, E., Karbou, F., Yan, Y., Ravanel, L., Magnin, F. (2022). Analysis of the Temporal Evolution of Ice Aprons in the Mont-Blanc Massif Using X and C-Band SAR Images. Frontiers in Remote Sensing 3.

Kaushik, S., Ravanel, L., Magnin, F., Trouvé, E., Yan, Y. (2022). Ice Aprons in the Mont Blanc Massif (Western European Alps) : Topographic Characteristics and Relations with Glaciers and Other Types of Perennial Surface Ice Features. Remote Sensing 14, 5557.

Kaushik, S., Ravanel, L., Magnin, F., Yan, Y., Trouve, E., Cusicanqui, D. (2022). Effects of topographic and meteorological parameters on the surface area loss of ice aprons in the Mont Blanc massif (European Alps). The Cryosphere 16, 4251–4271.

Etzelmüller, B., Czekirda, J., Magnin, F., Duvillard, P.-A., Ravanel, L., Malet, E., et al. (2022). Permafrost in monitored unstable rock slopes in Norway – new insights from temperature and surface velocity measurements, geophysical surveying, and ground temperature.


Magnin, F., & Josnin, J.-Y. (2021). Water Flows in Rock Wall Permafrost : A Numerical Approach Coupling Hydrological and Thermal Processes. Journal of Geophysical Research : Earth Surface, 126(11), e2021JF006394.

Rico, I., Magnin, F., Moreno, J. I. L., Serrano, E., Alonso-González, E., Revuelto, J., et al. First evidence of rock wall permafrost in the Pyrenees (Vignemale peak, 3,298 m a.s.l., 42°46′16″N/0°08′33″W). Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, n/a(n/a).

Legay, A., Magnin, F., and Ravanel, L. Rock temperature prior to failure : Analysis of 209 rockfall events in the Mont Blanc massif (Western European Alps). Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, 32(3), 520–536. 2021

Duvillard, P.-A., Ravanel, L., Schoeneich, P., Deline, P., Marcer, M., and Magnin, F. : Qualitative risk assessment and strategies for infrastructure on permafrost in the French Alps, Cold Regions Science and Technology, 189, 103311,, 2021.

Schmidt, J. U., Etzelmüller, B., Schuler, T. V., Magnin, F., Boike, J., Langer, M., and Westermann, S. : Surface temperatures and their influence on the permafrost thermal regime in high-Arctic rock walls on Svalbard, 15, 2491–2509,, 2021.

Cathala, M., Magnin, F., Linsbauer, A., & Haeberli, W. Modelling and characterizing glacier-bed overdeepenings as sites for potential future lakes in the deglaciating French Alps. Géomorphologie  : relief, processus, environnement., 2021


Duvillard, P.-A., Magnin, F., Revil, A., Legay, A., Ravanel, L., Abdulsamad, F., & Coperey, A. Temperature distribution in a permafrost-affected rock ridge from conductivity and induced polarization tomography. Geophysical Journal International, (ggaa597)., 2020

Magnin, F., Haeberli, W., Linsbauer, A., Deline, P. and Ravanel, L. : Estimating glacier-bed overdeepenings as possible sites of future lakes in the de-glaciating Mont Blanc massif (Western European Alps), Geomorphology, 350, 106913, doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2019.106913, 2020.


Tanski, G., Bergstedt, H., Bevington, A., Bonnaventure, P., Bouchard, F., Coch, C., Dumais, S., Evgrafova, A., Frauenfeld, O. W., Frederick, J., Fritz, M., Frolov, D., Harder, S., Hartmeyer, I., Heslop, J., Högström, E., Johansson, M., Kraev, G., Kuznetsova, E., Lenz, J., Lupachev, A., Magnin, F., Martens, J., Maslakov, A., Morgenstern, A., Nieuwendam, A., Oliva, M., Radosavljevic, B., Ramage, J., Schneider, A., Stanilovskaya, J., Strauss, J., Trochim, E., Vecellio, D. J., Weber, S. and Lantuit, H. : The Permafrost Young Researchers Network (PYRN) is getting older : The past, present, and future of our evolving community, Polar Record, 1–4, doi:10.1017/S0032247418000645, 2019.

Magnin, F., Etzelmüller, B., Westermann, S., Isaksen, K., Hilger, P. and Hermanns, R. L. : Permafrost distribution in steep rock slopes in Norway : measurements, statistical modelling and implications for geomorphological processes, Earth Surface Dynamics, 7(4), 1019–1040, doi :, 2019.


Magnin, F., Josnin, J.-Y., Ravanel, L., Pergaud, J., Pohl, B. and Deline, P. : Modelling rock wall permafrost degradation in the Mont Blanc massif from the LIA to the end of the 21st century, The Cryosphere, 11(4), 1813–1834, doi :, 2017.

Magnin, F., Westermann, S., Pogliotti, P., Ravanel, L., Deline, P. and Malet, E. : Snow control on active layer thickness in steep alpine rock walls (Aiguille du Midi, 3842ma.s.l., Mont Blanc massif), CATENA, 149, 648–662, doi:10.1016/j.catena.2016.06.006, 2017.

Ravanel, L., Magnin, F. and Deline, P. : Impacts of the 2003 and 2015 summer heatwaves on permafrost-affected rock-walls in the Mont Blanc massif, Science of The Total Environment, 609, 132–143, doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.07.055, 2017.


Magnin, F., Krautblatter, M., Deline, P., Ravanel, L., Malet, E. and Bevington, A. : Determination of warm, sensitive permafrost areas in near-vertical rockwalls and evaluation of distributed models by electrical resistivity tomography, Journal of Geophysical Research : Earth Surface, 120(5), 745–762, doi:10.1002/2014JF003351, 2015.

Magnin, F., Brenning, A., Bodin, X., Deline, P. and Ravanel, L. : Modélisation statistique de la distribution du pemrafrost de paroi : application au massif du Mont Blanc / Statistical modelling of rock wall permafrost distribution : application to the Mont Blanc massif, Géomorphologie  : relief, processus, environnement, 20, 2015.

Magnin, F., Deline, P., Ravanel, L., Noetzli, J. and Pogliotti, P. : Thermal characteristics of permafrost in the steep alpine rock walls of the Aiguille du Midi (Mont Blanc Massif, 3842 m a.s.l), The Cryosphere, 9(1), 109–121, doi :, 2015.

Bodin, X., Schoeneich, P., Deline, P., Ravanel, L., Magnin, F., Krysiecki, J.-M. and Echelard, T. : Mountain permafrost and associated geomorphological processes : recent changes in the French Alps, Journal of Alpine Research | Revue de géographie alpine, (103–2), doi:10.4000/rga.2885, 2015.


Deline, P., Gardent, M., Magnin, F. and Ravanel, L. : The Morphodynamics of the Mont Blanc Massif in a Changing Cryosphere : A Comprehensive Review, Geografiska Annaler : Series A, Physical Geography, 94(2), 265–283, doi:10.1111/j.1468-0459.2012.00467.x, 2012.